Week 6

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Week 6
Session 2
Session 2 of week 6 was on Thursday, 10th November 2011. It was at 15.00 pm – 17.00 pm. We did not have session one because session one was on our holiday. Our holiday itself was from 29 October 2011 until 8 November 2011.
In this session, we learnt about Ms. Word Basic. It was about how to use Microsoft Word. At this time, we also were asked to create a sample of a template in Ms. Word, create a link in Microsoft Word, and create some sentences using several facilities in Ms. Word. At the end, we discussed about our Project Proposal. For our group, we were consisted of four people. However, we were three at the moment because we missed one member who moved to another class. From this session, I got many new things. I realized that Ms. Word 2010 was more improved than Ms. Word 2007. Those improvements made us easier to use Ms. Word.

Ahmad Nuredy


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