Week 5

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Week 5
Week five was on Monday 13 February 2012, from 8.30 to 10.00 AM. It was a three hour class. We skipped week 4 because we had a holiday on that day. It was very hot in the class because there was no air condition. I came to class at 8.00. I was the first student who came to class. I did not read the schedule very well. I thought that it started at 08.00 in the morning. In fact, it started at 08.30 AM. So, I waited there while reading English for my preparation. After ICT, we had English test.
In the beginning of the class, we had presentation about how IT Architecture and IT Infrastructure were interrelated. I and my group mates also presented. In my opinion, our presentation was not so well because we did not prepare the slide very well. However, I felt very great because I presented it without reading the slides. In my opinion, presentation should not be reading the slides. Instead of it, we needed to understand the material, and then we could talk a lot. After that, we discussed about our next assignment, report about IT Architecture and IT Infrastructure.
From this class, I knew the definition of IT Architecture and IT Infrastructure. Then, I also needed to prepare more if I had other presentations.

Ahmad Nuredy


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