Data and Information

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Data and Information
Data is raw facts. Data can be in the form of numbers, characters, symbols, pictures or even sounds. It has no significance when it exists in that form. Information is data that is organized and meaningful. It is used for making decisions. Data is used as input for processing and information is output of this processing. Data can be processed to create useful information. Information is the manipulated and processed form of data.
In today’s economy, information technology (IT) has fundamentally transformed information availability, changing the economics and business practices in a wide range of industries. Dramatic changes in information technology and the nature of economic competition are forcing firms to come up with new ways of organizing work. So, the more IT is developed, the more competitive economic is. Then, people have to find new style of organizing their work.
One of the problems associated with information management is poor quality of information, including lack of consistency, duplication, and out-of-date information. It is because we can duplicate any writing from someone easily without any copyright from the writer. Then, it will make the information is poor, means that not original from the experts.

Ahmad Nuredy


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