Week 3

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Week 3
Session 1
Week three was in the first week of October 2011. It was on Tuesday, 4 October 2011. We leant about Software Layers: Operating System, Drivers, System Software, and Application Program. At this chance, we needed to remember about Software Layers. It was written that in Software Layers:
Computer User =)) Application =)) Operating System =)) Device Drivers =)) System Software (Bios) =)) Computer Hardware
Then, we were also asked to create a chart or diagram about this point. Some students presented their diagrams. I presented my diagram as well. I did my diagram with my teammate. I thought, we presented it very well because we got some information about this topic from the internet and a little from our knowledge, too. Any way, that was all for this session. This session was only an hour lecturing session.

Session 2
We got a bad news. It was that there would be new lecturer for the next lecturing session. Mr. Azhar would not teach us again. He would be substituted by the new lecturer. However, we still could meet him to ask about ICT in library.
Well, in this session, we learnt about Program Language. We were ordered to imagine a Program Language. For my group, our Program Language was IMU Balalaika. IMU = Indonesia, Malaysia, and Uzbekistan. We chose IMU because our members were from those countries. Then, if we paid attention, IMU could also mean I Miss You. Next, Balalaika meant device. At last, we explained about IMU Balalaika features to our friends. Overall, it was very nice to imagine such Language Program. Who knew, we could make it come true!

Ahmad Nuredy


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