Week 8

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Week 8
Session 1
It was on 22nd November 2011. Like usual, we studies for an hour class. It was from 14.00 to 15.00 at noon. We studied about Microsoft Excel 2011. However, it was about how to create a data using some formula in Ms. Excel 2011. We were asked to create a table. Then, show the result using the formula given.
It was just a simple formula. So far, I could follow the instructions given. Because I thought the formula was not complicated.

Session 2
It was at the last class of the week for me, because after this class, I would not have class until Monday. It was on Thursday, 24th November 2011. We were still learning about Microsoft Excel 2011. We learnt how to use LOOKUP formula in Microsoft Excel. Then, we also should perform a table using pivot table.
It was nice to learn something new. For me, pivot table was something new. When I was at high school, we learnt about LOOKUP formula. However, we did not learn about pivot table.

Ahmad Nuredy


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