Week 10

by 00:53 2 comments

 Week 10
Week ten was on Monday, 26 March 2012, from 8.30 to 11.30 AM. I came late to class. I was using internet for a while, then I forgot my class. Luckily, the class moved to library. So, I was not considered as late. I met Mr. Azamuddin and Miss Siti Nurkhairunnisa in front of the class. They told me that the class was moved to library in level 3.
In this class, we were given the next assignment. It was making a website using Google Sites. After that, we got lecture about WWW and internet. Besides that, we were asked to explore about Google Site.
From here, I know that we could make free website, but I still did not understand very well about Google Site. Hope that I could understand Google Site very well. ^^

Ahmad Nuredy


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