Notion about PHP

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Notion about PHP
What is PHP??
            PHP is a scripting language which can be read each row by parser zend engine, that is specialized to create an application for web technology. In this case, generally application will give the result on web browser, but the overall process is run in web server. As information, the examples of web browser are Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

What can be done by PHP??
            In the beginning, PHP was developed only for internet (making web page), but then PHP also could be used for standalone application and also to help administrator through CLI mode (Command Line Interface).

Functions of PHP:
·         Server Side Scripting
To be able to use PHP in this function, we need 3 main components:
1.   PHP Parser (CGI or Module)
2.   Web server. (There are many web server that support PHP, such as Apache, IIS, Xitami, Zeus, etc)
3.   Web Browser

·         Command Line Scripting
PHP script can be run without browser. We need only PHP, which is usually used for doing automatic tasks that is scheduled by cron (*nix or Linux) or by Task Scheduler (in Windows)

·         Standalone Application
PHP can also be used to create a standalone application. It is an application which is run without web browser or web server. To create this application, we can use PHP-GTK.

Ahmad Nuredy


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