How to Create A Blog Account

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How to Create A Blog Account
Blog is a media for us to share some information or even a diry to the public. Nowadays, there are several websites that provide free account to create a blog, like: wordpress and blogger. At this time, we will learn how to create an account on

These are the steps:
1.   Create an email account first! As a suggestion, we can create an email on google mail. Go to Then, follow the instruction there to create an email account.
2.   Go to
3.   Click “Create A Blog.”
4.   Fulfill the form for registration to your account.
5.   Click “Continue.” Type your blog title and blog address.
6.   Choose a template for your blog and click “Continue”
7.   Click “Start Blogging”
Now, you have your own blog. You can design that blog as you like. You can change the temple through the setting. Finally, enjoy blogging!!!

Ahmad Nuredy


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