Week 5

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Week 5
Session 1
Week 5 was on Tuesday, 25 October 2011. In this session, we learnt about Anatomy of MS Windows OS. It was talking about some improvements of Microsoft Windows, starting from Windows XP/Vista to Windows 7.
Any way, Tuesday and Thursday were always busy for group 2 because we had class from morning until afternoon at 5 PM. So, we concentrated on this subject by the rest of our energy. However, it was okay for me because I really liked ICT subject since I was at high school.

Session 2
On this day, we got many assignments. It might be because next week was holiday for us. So, some lecturer wanted to give some work for us on our holiday. At this day, I got two assignments from Learning Skills class. Then, ICT class also gave me an assignment. What a busy holiday for us!
Well, in this session, we learnt about MS Windows OS File Management. At that time, we were asked to answer some questions about that topic. My group mate and I could do it well. After that, we submitted it to our lecturer. Afterwards, we created a group for our first project assignment. My group members were Shakirah, Niniey, Hani, and me (Nuredy). Wish for us a luck for this  assignment, guys!

Ahmad Nuredy


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